Frequently Asked Questions

You will find below some answers for a list of questions you may have. If you do not find any specific answer, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help.

You need an account to manage a few parameters such as an authorization for us to access your calendar to book services for you.

Once you are logged in, go to the account management section. There is a link to update your email address. If you replace it, just make sure it is a valid Gmail address.

Once you are logged in, go to the account management section. There is a link to change your password. Same security recommendations will apply.

Once you are logged in, go to the account management section. There is a link to close your account. If you do, everything will be deleted. We do not keep any data.

You only need to setup a username, grant us an authorization to access your calendar and create a service. For each service, you will be required to define a title and a duration and to customize your booking hours. The rest is entirely optional.

Actually, we need an authorization to access your calendar. Technically, it is done via your gmail address.

Yes. Our service is fully transparent. There is a link in the service settings section for you to do that. For information, you can also do it directly from your Gmail account.

You only need to setup a username. The rest is linked to how you want to use our service.

For each service, you will be required to define a title and a duration and to customize your booking hours. The rest is entirely optional.

It consist of multiple time ranges that you can configure. Let's say for example that you want to offer a consultation service of some sort between 13:00 and 17:00 on Wednesday afternoon. Just add a time slot on Wednesday and you are all set.

Privacy Matters

This web app use only some necessary technical cookies for you to enjoy its services and nothing else. We do not track you and we do not collect data for analytical purposes. For more information, check our Privacy Policy.